Monday, September 14, 2009

We're still here!!!

This post will be mostly pictures. We had a great summer! We are looking forward to a fun fall as well. We are keeping busy with swimming lessons, dance classes for Emma and all the fun things that fall brings. We will be heading to Arizona in October for a week - - We are so excited to see family, relax a little and just catch up!

Sammy??? At the zoo

Emma??? At the zoo

Sammy and Emma getting ready to go fishing
Having some fun at the fair
I have no idea...
Sammy and Emma having music class with their "friends"

Sammy milking a goat at the zoo
Jim, Sammy and Emma at the zoo
Me and the kids resting on the mama pig
Sammy with the giraffe he got to feed
They chased down the ice cream truck! Cheers!

Emma and her "stop taking my picture" look
Best buddies
My little farmers..

Love to you all,

Friday, June 26, 2009

Summer Fun!!

Summer is here!!! Thank Goodness!
I don't have much to post today - just some random pictures.

Sammy's first night of T-Ball - He is doing so well and enjoying every minute of it!

Emma admiring her Hello Kitty birthday cake

The birthday girl opening presents

Emma modeling her new 'baby suit" (that's what she calls bathing suits..)

Emma getting ready to take her birthday gift for a ride.

Papa, Nana and Grandpa Great came to visit us on Emma's birthday weekend.

Emma enjoying a little jump in the trampoline at her birthday party

Sammy and Emma taking a break from playing to pose for a picture.

Have a great weekend!
Love to you all,

Sunday, April 5, 2009

April Showers...

Why oh why does it have to be SNOW showers?? Oh, how I long for spring!!! This is what the kids are doing at 9:00 AM on April 5th. Jim is such a good Daddy..

We would really appreciate it if you all in Arizona could send us some warm weather please... But maybe you're too busy sunning yourself at the moment.. :-)

Love to you all,

Friday, February 20, 2009

Random Pictures & TGIF!!!!

Happy Friday!! Just a quick post today of some Batman (aka Sammy) and Batgirl (aka Emma) pics. The kids love "saving the world" while in disguise. :) They really have a great time playing together.

We can't wait until warm weather gets here! I think we are all getting a little stir crazy. I can't wait to be able to play outside with the kids on my days off! Nothing too excited planned for this weekend. Grandma Ann is coming down and we are excited to spend some time with her. Jim was gone all week on a business trip so we are looking forward to just hunkering down and relaxing! Have a great weekend!!!!!

Love to you all,

Friday, January 30, 2009

Sammy's Forever Day!!!

Happy Forever Day Sammy!
You are the poem I dreamed of writing, the masterpiece I longed to paint. You are the shining star I reached for in my ever-hopeful quest for life fulfilled. You are my child. Now with all things I am blessed.

Sammy, you make us laugh EVERY SINGLE DAY! You are truly our sunshine... We love you so much!

Pause the blog music at the bottom of the page, turn up the volume and enjoy!

Love to you all,