Monday, September 14, 2009

We're still here!!!

This post will be mostly pictures. We had a great summer! We are looking forward to a fun fall as well. We are keeping busy with swimming lessons, dance classes for Emma and all the fun things that fall brings. We will be heading to Arizona in October for a week - - We are so excited to see family, relax a little and just catch up!

Sammy??? At the zoo

Emma??? At the zoo

Sammy and Emma getting ready to go fishing
Having some fun at the fair
I have no idea...
Sammy and Emma having music class with their "friends"

Sammy milking a goat at the zoo
Jim, Sammy and Emma at the zoo
Me and the kids resting on the mama pig
Sammy with the giraffe he got to feed
They chased down the ice cream truck! Cheers!

Emma and her "stop taking my picture" look
Best buddies
My little farmers..

Love to you all,