Saturday, December 20, 2008

Happy Holidays!!!

I'm not sure if I will be able to post again before Christmas so 'The Lindquist 4' (the name of our group.. very original, huh) leave you with this~ Pause the music at the bottom of the page and turn up the volume! Be sure to dance along!!
Merry Christmas everyone!!!

Love to you all,

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Emma's Forever Day

Happy Forever Day Baby Girl!

I can't believe it's been 2 years since you came home. You have completed our family and we love you so so much! Emma, in my wildest dreams I couldn't have imagined what having you home forever would be like. You are truly amazing...

Turn on your sound and grab some popcorn - - it's loooong! This is just a glimpse of the joy that Emma has brought to our family. Be sure to scroll down and read the note that Jim wrote for his baby girl.
ALSO - Be sure to scroll all the way down to the bottom of the page and pause the music that automatically plays when you open the blog

To My Little Tornado,

Two years ago today your mother and I had a dream fulfilled, you were officially ours!! I never thought I could love someone as much as I do your mother, but I do love you and your brother that much!! I am very blessed and eternally grateful that I can call you my daughter! There is nothing that I would ever want to change, except maybe you constantly wanting cheese and/or apples. I love you with all my heart and thank God every day for you!!



Love to you all,

Monday, November 3, 2008

Halloween 2008

Pumpkins, Pirates and Witches, OH MY!

We had a great halloween! The weather was fabulous for trick or treating! Winter coats weren't part of the costume this year; you gotta love that. ;)

Here are some pictures of the kids hunting for the perfect pumpkin-

Sammy was quite the gentleman and helped Emma navigate through the many squished pumpkins

If only you could hear her... AAAHHHH!! It stopped her dead in her tracks...

What better way to top of the day than with some "Mummy Dogs" for dinner. The kids LOVED them.
Ok, Jim and I did too... :)

"Carving" their perfect pumpkins. I'm so glad we got these kits this year. Sammy and Emma are not big fans of their hands being dirty. So, they loved creating their funny faces on the pumpkins without the mess.

On Halloween we took the kids to their parties at school even though it was Friday and they aren't normally there. It was nice for them to get to see all of their teachers and friends all dressed up!

Here they are fresh up from a nap, raring to go!!!
Looking mildly annoyed at the lady taking too many pictures.. hmmm

What a poser, he did this all on his own.

Emma at her school party filling up her bag with some loot!

Sammy coloring a pumpkin at one of the activity stations.

Posing with their pumpkins before heading out to go trick or treating!

After they were done trick or treating they sat on the porch and yelled "Happy Halloween" to everyone that walked by. :) Jim said that Emma pooped out about halfway down the street and since only real witches have brooms, he thought ahead and brought the next best thing - Her wagon! So, Emma sat in the wagon and Sammy asked each house for some candy for his little sister. Jim said he even went back and rang the doorbell if he forgot to get her some the first time. How sweet is my boy?

Love to you all,

Friday, October 24, 2008

Sammy give us "The Talk"

Happy Friday!! First of all, thanks to everyone who stopped by and left a comment! It's so nice to know you will be visiting us in blog land. :)

So, the story behind the title.. Normally dinnertime is our family time to talk and discuss the events of the day. 2 and 4 year olds have some interesting days let me tell you... It seemed as though Sammy really had something on his mind on this particular day and it surrounded his teacher at pre-school. His teacher is expecting a baby and Sammy and I have been going back and forth on whether she is having a boy or a girl. Sammy says that girls have girl babies and boys have boy babies. Ok, I admit, I need to clear that up for him. Anywho, I asked Sammy how he thought that the baby got into her tummy? I know, loaded question. Without pondering the question at all he spoke with such authority and answered - - That baby jumped right down my teacher's throat! As if to reassure both Jim and I, who must have looked a little doubtful, he widened his big brown eyes and shook his head back and forth and exclaimed - - Guys, babies are Craaaaazzzzy! He is right about one thing... :)

Here are some pics of my crazy babies! Oldies but goodies.... Man, time flies!

Have a great weekend!!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Getting Started and Welcome

Hi Everyone-
Thanks for stopping in. I am new to this whole blog thing so it make take me a few posts to get the hang of it. :) I will start out the blog with some pics of the kids. We went to the apple orchard earlier this month when John, Patty, Tommy and Megan came to visit. We had a great time and are looking forward to going to the pumpkin patch soon! Emma and Sammy are looking forward to Halloween so much this year. Everyday Emma talks about Halloween and tells me it's coming soon. Today when I got her up we had the normal conversation about Halloween and she smiled really big and said "I ho hited" Translation.. I'm So Excited!

Waiting patiently for the wagon.

Biting into a random, dirty apple hoping mom won't take it away!

Monday, October 20, 2008